I do not have much experience helping people increase their press past 225 for two reasons: Not many want to, and those who do usually don’t need my help. Here, I can only talk about what I’ve seen and experienced. Getting past the 245-255 range requires years of dedication to the Official ILl Put You In The Trunk And Help People Look For You DonT Test Me Vintage Shirt press and consistently treating it as your main upper body movement. Even if you are great at pressing, you probably won’t hit this range “accidentally.” If you have reached 225 and you want to keep going, I commend you. Rest assured that you know what you’re doing and have the necessary skills to keep making progress until you physically can’t.
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You cannot have weak links at all to press big weights. At this level, you won’t be asking if you “should strengthen your rear delts” to improve. You’ll just be doing what you need to do. You will also be very muscular-I’ve never met someone pressing 225 or above that wasn’t well-developed. Expect slow progress. That’s just the nature of the beast; it’s a patience game at this point. Presses beyond 275 are rare, and I’ve only seen them accomplished by either strongman, guys who put everything they had into the lift, or overall very strong, talented pressers/benchers. Whether more people could achieve this number if the press were trained seriously more commonly is difficult to answer because the Official ILl Put You In The Trunk And Help People Look For You DonT Test Me Vintage Shirt press gets left behind, but it’s a fun thought experiment.
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In conclusion, go forth and conquer. The press is a wonderful lift that’s often misunderstood and given up on Official ILl Put You In The Trunk And Help People Look For You DonT Test Me Vintage Shirt prematurely. Changing your mindset about the lift if you’re struggling can go a long way, and when paired with consistency, effort, and an honest desire to improve can give you surprising results. If you don’t know where to start, start there. You’ll be miles ahead of anybody complaining about it rather than putting in work and pressing. Few people will reach a two plate press “accidentally” unless they’re very large, naturally gifted at the movement, or both. Getting to 225 is a process and often a test of patience. Like 205, 225 gets into people’s heads.
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