Thank you for this. For a lot of the reasons, you mention I actually find GRK more “interesting” than Bundy–or rather, it makes me want to know more about his victims and the larger context he operated in, not really about the killer himself. I have such heartache for the missing, unidentified, and the ones who Nice I Believe There Are Angels Among Us Shirt are just all-out ignored or brushed off. Like poor Wendy… she was only a kid, she didn’t deserve any of that. I hope that learning more about Ridgeway’s patterns and movements will help give some women their names back. One thing I remember reading is that Ridgeway would purposefully make himself look/act dumber than he actually was. Squinting his eyes, talking slow, trying to appear as harmless as possible.
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I don’t think he was a super genius or anything, but he definitely knew how to play the system (keeping dates alive and being kind to them, forensic countermeasures) to minimize his risks. This is just a slight tangent but… I don’t really get the Bundy hype. He was just an angry, narcissistic misogynist who was successful with some ruses and was Nice I Believe There Are Angels Among Us Shirt able to appear normal in his everyday life. I was in Florida with my father visiting Disney and sea world just before Bundy was executed. I remember a restaurant having “free fries when Bundy fries!” on their marquee. At the time I didn’t know what it meant, and when I asked my dad, he said “he’s a sick fuck that likes killing little girls and now he’s gonna ride the lightning”.
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Years later I saw an interview with a guard that was there when he died. He said that on the last walk to the death chamber, Bundy started crying and his legs buckled underneath him. He said they had to hold him up under his arms the rest of the way and that in the end, he was a sniveling little coward. Not exactly the Nice I Believe There Are Angels Among Us Shirt cold-blooded son of a bitch he described himself as. Definitely no Carl Panzram. He preferred raping police officers as opposed to the corpses of young women. While he sat waiting to hang, he told a preacher who was trying to save his life “I wish all you sons of bitches had one neck and that I could get my hands around it”.
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