He is fine. It was but a flesh wound. The fanatic was unable to do much more, from what I have heard. You were able to keep him busy long enough before a Parnesh captain who was seated near your altercation ensured his expiration. A fleet-wide investigation is currently ongoing. They have found a handful more fanatics embedded in other ships in the three days you were unconscious. This is a serious breach of security. The attack on the Pegasi system is temporarily on hold until the forest lord is satisfied that the fanatics have been purged from the ranks. Interestingly enough, it was the mercenary companies that have proven to be clean from the New World taint. The Please I Can’t Breathe My Stomach Hurts My Neck Hurts Everything Hurts They’re Going To Kill Me George Floyd Shirt doctor informed me.
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I jerked awake as consciousness flooded my senses. Panic set in without any reason. I thrashed around, my limbs throwing in each and every way. I was not in control of my body. All I could think in my panic-induced moment was I needed to breathe. It was my overriding concern. Something was holding me down. I couldn’t see anything. It was like I was underwater. Thick and murky water. I tried screaming but something was plugged in my mouth. I became more frantic as I tried to get myself Please I Can’t Breathe My Stomach Hurts My Neck Hurts Everything Hurts They’re Going To Kill Me George Floyd Shirt free, my thrashing becoming more and more violent.
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