Kids look at It Was Me I Let The Dogs Out Shirt. It’s totally normal. Maybe if we didn’t demonize every tiny bit of sexuality then things like this wouldn’t be a problem. Ever watched European television? They have bare breasts in toothpaste commercials! I personally think it’s wrong that in North America we can have extreme violence in a pg-13 movie but as soon as there’s a nipple it’s rated R. That’s the kind of culture that created this overly and wrongfully concerned parent.
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On the other side, if a It Was Me I Let The Dogs Out Shirt does notice her tits, as long as they are just looking normally and not staring/ogling/making her deliberately uncomfortable, who cares? The sexual attraction is natural and doesn’t make you a pervert. If a ripped guy ran through topless I’m sure plenty of people would look too, I doubt anyone would complain though. Noticing isn’t even necessarily sexual. Movement catches our attention. We’re going to notice a person passing by in an otherwise still environment. I purposely used non- gender pronouns here, because look at the reverse. A shirtless man goes jogging down the street, a teenage girl enjoys watching. The girls’ mom stops the man and tells him to cover-up.
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Unless you left something out, I don’t see a It Was Me I Let The Dogs Out Shirt. People are going to look at people they find attractive. If they do it in a non-obtrusive way and don’t make an issue out of it, great. Nose-ey momma doesn’t need to talk to her son, she needs to accept the facts of life. Even in countries where women wear burkas, boys still look at women and girls still look at men. People are going to be stupid and judge you for everything. Looks, clothes, number of kids, job, etc. You cannot make your happiness dependent on idiots who will always find something to have a problem with. Either have fun with it and run around in your most revealing sports bra or ignore her. And if she stops you again, tell her it’s a free country and she should grow up.
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