Mostly the 2-part unharmonized chorales in the back of the Bach 371 book which I find fantastically for mostly focusing on making good footing decisions on-the-fly. While still reading another All People Are Created Equal Then A Few Become Organ Donors Shirt. I’m also sightreading through the ELW hymnal which I find pretty reader friendly overall. I need to be doing more work out of the 1982 Episcopal Hymnal, but it’s a bit more challenging overall.
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Though I have been reading a lot of it “manuals only” at home on my Nord with some sort of organ sample to really practice fingerings and sustaining voices. Something particularly difficult about. That All People Are Created Equal Then A Few Become Organ Donors Shirt which is MUCH more “organic”. I’ve been supplementing the first issue by reading the 371 Bach Chorales a bit at home with just SAT. While I still think they are terrible sightreading for piano. Especially as they often recommended to relative beginner sight-readers.
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They are actually perfect for this purpose. They are dense enough that I can get an All People Are Created Equal Then A Few Become Organ Donors Shirt just SAT and really get a good workout trying to separate T from B… and since that’s my chief complaint (that the T&B are often too far apart while being hypermotile for a pianist to effectively play much less sightread them well and musically smoothly) it actually makes it a bit easier to get used to separate them.
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