One day, he had come to my neighbor’s house, who I was playing some game with, my bike laying on the grass. He comes over and was like “hey, OP, let’s go play in the park!”. The trailer park had its own little playground that all the kids would go to and play on every day. I never went there because nobody would come with me. Petition to put all Karen’s and their spawn on an island to duke it out in a battle royale-like manner and once one wins we blow up the island effectively erasing Karen out of Nice Softball Dad My Kid Hitting A Home Run Priceless Shirt existence. Reminds me of something SFDebris said, about how parents are Sherlock Holmes able to suss out trouble when they suspect their kid did something wrong, but as soon as somebody else accuses them.
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No, it couldn’t be my boy, Johnny! He would never kill Jack Nicholson! I don’t care that you have a video of him going, “My name is Jooohnnnny~! And I’m here to kill Jack Nicholson. I had my Gameboy with me one time and he wanted to play on it, I told him no. The very next day, I was called to the Nice Softball Dad My Kid Hitting A Home Run Priceless Shirt office because I was ‘bullying’ him by not sharing my toys. And then, he made up another lie about me crying in front of the principal, which he used to get everyone to pick on me for being a crybaby. Suddenly, he was out of my sight for a minute, when I then felt real sharp pain in my back. I dropped to the ground, and all I heard was “RUN!” I got to my feet when I noticed EK was on my bike, riding it as fast as he could down the street, with Neighbor right behind him.
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The reason why I suddenly remember all this is because just recently, I had seen a mugshot of a Nice Softball Dad My Kid Hitting A Home Run Priceless Shirt guy being arrested for attempted robbery of a gas station. Sure enough, it was him; EK, all grown up, obviously still a jerk, but now with karma biting him square in the butt. I hope both of them get help soon, but I also hope I never see any of them ever again. But I have taken hits over meaningless shit, I’d rather it not happen to other people, but such is life, and in all honesty, those who found it “funny” are either in the same situation as him or wondering why they also have no friends. Most of us knew what you were saying. If I had the extra cash I would give you, but since I don’t, please accept my upvote fellow Redditor.
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