In 4 days will be the one year anniversary of my mother passing from brain cancer. I’m here if you want to talk, even if the only advice I can offer is to allow yourself permission to break down for a little while. I’m still pulling my own self back together, but feeling that raw pain was so Official The Dadalorian Like A Dad Just Way Cooler Shirt much better than bottling it up and “being strong”. Please pm me if you just need someone to vent to. This is a beautiful piece of writing. I am grateful to have read it. I often write or think about death and dying, and the section with death being a partner to live rather than an enemy is just gorgeous. Have an amazing day, OP.
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Here I am at the train from Saint Petersburg to Moscow at the top shelf, smiling and crying very silently not to wake up anybody (1:50 am). I’ve been struggling with accepting death a lot, and even though I don’t believe there would be anything after it, this concept brings me comfort. I’m going to hold onto it for a while if not for a whole life. It’s right. It’s natural. It’s beautiful. This nearly won’t be enough, but thank you. I’m going to remember this. I’m sitting here trying not to cry at my desk at work. I lost my own mother to Official The Dadalorian Like A Dad Just Way Cooler Shirt cancer and had to make the final decisions for palliative care at the end for her, so this hit a lot of notes in me and how much I’d give to have had just one more day with her.
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This is absolutely beautiful. I almost died when I had my son last year and death has been on my mind ever since. This has helped alleviate the anxiety in a way, even if only a story. Thank you. Wonderfully written. We had a bad scare with my father recently, and he’s still in the hospital. It really drove home that he’s gotten to Official The Dadalorian Like A Dad Just Way Cooler Shirt the age where something as simple as getting the flu could take him. This story made me cry very therapeutic tears. Thank you for writing this, it was beautiful. this is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read… it nearly brought me to tears. This struggle against the inevitable, resorting to magic and hopeless attempts to try and keep someone… it hits home for me right now, for a variety of ways.
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