Emperor Pangolin: These massive ant eaters stand 4 feet tall at the shoulder and nearly eleven feet long. They mostly off of giant insects, but will also feed on normal-sized anthills and termite mounds. They are covered with overlapping scale armor plates. They are not aggressive by nature, but will viciously defend themselves. Their scales are coveted by many for suits of armor. Cinisrana: Two feet tall bipedal creatures with long-burning tails; these guys are jerks. They will eat anything they can get into there mouths. They live on Top Macaw If You Don’t Believe They Have Souls You Haven’t Looked Into Their Eyes Long Enough Shirt volcanic islands and hop around lava flows. Their strongest defense/hunting tactic is causing a flame burst centered on themselves.
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Letalumbra: Appears to be wolf-like in size and shape. It varies from wolves in the bright stripes in its black and grey fur, its long prehensile tail, and the glowing tongue in its maniacal grin. Like wolves, Letalumbra lives in packs. Their call sounds like crazed laughter. Legends say Top Macaw If You Don’t Believe They Have Souls You Haven’t Looked Into Their Eyes Long Enough Shirt that if you hear your own voice in Letalumbra laughter, something powerful has come back from beyond the grave to hunt you and that the Letalumbra will serve the winner. Hell Mastiff: Often mistaken for actual Hellhounds, Hell Mastiffs are more obedient and (slightly) less dangerous. Hell Mastiffs roam the barren islands. It is believed that they had been pets to devils that invaded the plane but were left behind. Hell Mastiffs can be tamed, but are rarely taken off of the barren islands for fears that they will cause wildfires.
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Bunyip: Bunyips mix traits of mammals and reptiles. Its body is covered in dark fur, but its tail strongly resembles that of a crocodile. It has broad shoulders and arms which it drags victims into the swamp, where it shreds them with its elongated canines. The largest Bunyip recorded was fifteen feet long nose to tail. Brazier: Six feet tall with a 15-foot wingspan. Probably one of the Top Macaw If You Don’t Believe They Have Souls You Haven’t Looked Into Their Eyes Long Enough Shirt more frightening creatures of the “Overdark”. The fire burning in its mouth often lures unsuspecting victims into the mauling range. Regem Magmis: Much like Hell Mastiffs, legend tells of how Regem Magnin is descended of those left behind after a failed incursion of devils from The Nine Hells.
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