I can’t possibly stress enough how badly I would love to win this. My husband and I are both proud coffee addicts. We’d take it directly in the vein if we could. We have three young children to keep up with (ages 6, 4, and 3) after all. Our past circumstances make us especially appreciate the Top Motherhood Powered By Love Fueled By Coffee By Cannabis Shirt luxury that is coffee. A few years ago, following a string of layoffs, we lost our home and ended up homeless, moving our family numerous times in pursuit of job opportunities that always fell through. Before we learned of (and qualified for) a unique program to help stabilize families that led to finding work and getting our apartment last year, we spent almost two years living off the grid in a rural cabin.
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Needless to say, we nearly died. When we got the apartment a neighbor gave us their old coffee machine… and we used it so much we burned it out in two months!!! We’ve blown through 6 more thrift shop (and garage sale) coffee machines in the past year that we’ve had Top Motherhood Powered By Love Fueled By Coffee By Cannabis Shirt electricity! Lol!! Now we are once again coffee-less… and sad. :( Not only would a new machine be our baby (and treated as such) but the idea of owning a Keurig seems unfathomable. And a reusable K-cup?!!! Mind. Blown. If I win this, I will wrap it and place it under the tree addressed to my husband from Santa. He’s an incredible father, a hard worker and an extremely masculine burly guy.
Top Motherhood Powered By Love Fueled By Coffee By Cannabis Sweatshirt, Hoodie
But he might actually cry to receive a Keurig. At the very least, he’ll be baffled and confused trying to figure out how I was able to afford it! Hahahaha!!!!! So please, consider me for the contest. I haven’t won a single contest yet but I’d give up any other prize I could possibly win to be able to see that look on my husband’s face on Christmas morning… and taste that sweet (bitter) nectar of the bean. I’d love to enter! I guess I’m admitting I’m an addict! Coffee is always there for me. I can change flavors and add silly things when I desire. I just can’t help but look forward to getting up in the morning just so I can drink my coffee lol! Seriously I’m not sure what I would do Top Motherhood Powered By Love Fueled By Coffee By Cannabis Shirt without it! Anyway, I do not have a good coffee pot so I for sure would love this more than anything in the world lol. Merry Christmas!
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