Thanks so much! Definitely not Lemore – the biggest thing with Ashara’s story is, once isolated, everyone, attempts to stick her in a hole. this fits on the surface, this totally fits, it must be Ashara! but almost all of those theories fail upon closer inspection. There are a few answers, although I don’t think anyone of the theories I believe in is definitive, I do believe that there are a few closer answers than the major theories people try to push. As I said to the OP on Twitter once on the subject: I very much doubt we will find Greywater Watch to Top My Dad A Father’s Touch A Daddy’s Kiss A Grieving Daughter Shirt is the swamp it is claimed to be. I do want to hear more about Ashara, I absolutely don’t believe that she is Quaithe.
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I am on the wall about her being Lemore because Lemore didn’t join Aegon till 5 years after rebellion & it doesn’t explain why Ashara became septa in the interim 5 years, and I don’t like the theory about her as HL’s wife either – such a dynamic character stuck up in a castle for so Top My Dad A Father’s Touch A Daddy’s Kiss A Grieving Daughter Shirt long with absolutely no contribution to story..but please don’t include any baby-swapping. Jon is Jon. Dany is Dany. Unless you are speaking of switching some other babies. For every time The Neck is described as something unappealing it is also described as being utterly mysterious. So, as I said to the OP once: I firmly believe Greywater Watch will turn out to be something more akin to Lothlorien (or maybe even a touch Rivendell) than the swamp it is assumed to be.
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What if the eldest brother she never knew was actually her father? Ashara, being jealous of the sickly Elia and her handsome prince, might’ve wanted to steal Elia’s man for herself. If only for once, and perhaps under false pretenses. I think for Ashara to be Dany’s mother there needs to be still quite some hoops to Top My Dad A Father’s Touch A Daddy’s Kiss A Grieving Daughter Shirt be jumped through, but it’s entertaining if not too serious an idea nonetheless. I feel like if Dany had a secret identity, it would ruin her established character arc thus far, and her sense of self. She is the last dragon (in her mind at least; see Jon) and that drives her; the ambition to live up to her ancestors and her conquest for the iron throne. I’m currently doing a re-read, and just in GoT we watch her change from a meek girl to fully embracing the identity of “the last dragon”.
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