I mean, if he really wanted to save the Official 4th Of July Love My Veteran Shirt post office, he would buckle up and do his fucking job, sit down with the house and senate, and figure shit out. He’s such a great deal maker, nobody knows the deal better than trump right? So it should be a walk in the park for him to figure this out. But nope, he’s holding the post office hostage instead and touting about how he wants to save it. This whole thing has broken his illusion that he’s this smart powerful businessman. He can’t even be bothered to answer half the questions legitimately during press conferences.
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He just repeats himself (almost like he has dementia, whoops!) and continues to say “we have done more than anyone in history blah blah blah.” That’s his go-to when he doesn’t have an actual answer. Even his beloved Fox News has called him out on it in the past few months, telling him that wasn’t a feasible answer to what was asked. But that’s because he knows people will watch him say that and they think it’s true. Despite it being an Official 4th Of July Love My Veteran Shirt absolute lie. At what point did anyone not wonder how he can even be remotely considered a person savvy at running a business is beyond me. He’s an expert in running a grift.
Other products: Official 4th Of July Love My Veteran Shirt