I don’t think we’ll ever know for sure. But I’m pretty sure he was still hanging around the park—either in the underground but keeping an eye on things, or actually staying just out of sight. If I had to guess, when the deal was offered he saw it as a chance to give us both one last big “fuck you,” so he took my face, which is absolutely creepy to think about, by the way, to attack Dale and then got the meeting plans off the last text I sent. Then he took Dale’s face and took his place on the ride. I might’ve noticed if I’d still had my contacts in, but I didn’t, and he didn’t talk until the end. Definitely Nice Tattooes Dad Definition Shirt helped him out that dale doesn’t show his teeth when he smiles usually, too.
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This has been such a wild trip and I’m so glad everyone got their happy ending in some kinda way. Also a big round of applause for all the effort that was put into this and that we could have updated nearly every day. During these times it was really something I could look forward too and I’m grateful for every chapter. Thanks again and I’m pretty sure I will read this again at some point. I have not smiled this wide since before the pandemic!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I am glad now that I will be able to miss you in a happy way!!! Good luck! I’m so happy for you. I’ve Nice Tattooes Dad Definition Shirt never been more conflicted about reading a final update, but I’m glad everything worked out in the end!
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I was right, it was a body double! And thank you for writing this, seriously. This is the best story I’ve ever read. I got so invested in all of these characters and this ending gave me every bit of closure I needed from the original series. I cannot express how much I enjoyed this story. Thank you. I’m so sad this is over, but it’s such a perfect ending. I love that you have a family now who adore you, and the revelation about Laila makes a lot of sense. She’s the only one out of all the actors and pretenders who were dressed so revealingly. Poor Laila. Also, the twist with Warin is perfect. Disturbing as Nice Tattooes Dad Definition Shirt he is, I missed him as a character, so I’m glad he made an appearance in his own unsettling, messed up way.
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