Hey! So upon closer inspection/looking at my catalog the pinball machine is actually red but I also have a black one. I’m happy to trade either one with you or can give you one and let you catalog the other and I can do it now if you wanna DM me your dodo code. Sorry for the confusion. For purposes of actually being found via the Reddit search function, I’m going to Top Grand Paw Dog Shirt list off everything currently purchasable in my catalog below, and every item I want. For purposes of quickly scrolling through, please use Ctrl+F for “Looking For” and “For Trade” to quickly get to each list! Please ask about my color variations.
Grand Paw Dog Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women
I’ve listed color variants below only for items I want and a small handful of clothing that I have, I would need to go through my whole catalog again to Top Grand Paw Dog Shirt get color variants for items I have. I will be doing this over time so if you don’t see one listed please ask! I’m fine with cataloging instead of outright swaps. I can also offer bells for whatever you’ve got. This cape seems to be made of incredibly soft and comfortable beige or brown fur. If you wear it you feel warm and comfy like never before. But if the fur is combed across the grain they sharpen like a thousand needles and immediately cut into your hands which causes 1d6+2 Damage. One could wear it as a protection, but you’ll have to succeed on a dc15 dexterity saving throw each round to not get cut by the fur.
Top Grand Paw Dog Sweatshirt, Hoodie
Those three feathers in a deep blue-purple color look really mysterious. If attached to any headdress or stitched on the breast of any clothing the Top Grand Paw Dog Shirt wearer seems to draw much more attention to himself. Simple-minded creatures might be more likely to attack the wearer than any of his comrades. Also, the feathers grant a +3 bonus on persuasion. If a feather is lost, the bonus is one less. This tiny vial is not much bigger than your pinky finger. It is filled with a clear and oily substance. Upon opening an intense smell seems to fill the air. The Shopkeeper doesn’t remember who he bought the vial from, but he knows the substance is harnessed by squeezing the anal glands of a living needle bull.
Other products: Top Grand Paw Dog Shirt
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