What I would do is make sure the lease is up before you bail, especially if you’re on it too. If you can swing it, sublease it out and let your landlord know your plans. I have very bad social anxiety and couldn’t handle my roommate any longer. I’m really bad at confrontation. I subleased my room in an ad on Craigslist and just hoped for the best. I didn’t want to screw my roommate over either, cause I’m sure he was truly a good guy. After many Nice Preschool was a hoot Owl shirt interviews, I found somebody and wrote my roommate a letter about what happened and wrote a check to him for an extra month of my rent/bills, just in case.
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Well, the point is that a confrontation will happen. It’s just a question of it being about roomy not matching or OP moving out unexpectedly. Either way is a confrontation. Source: just moved away from some passive-aggressive pussies who thought not mentioning things would work out and then after 9 months couldn’t take it anymore and exploded about all these “huge ongoing problems” that were news to me. Like up until then it Nice Preschool was a hoot Owl shirt was BBQs and beers and videogames together, then “fuck you horrible piece of shit!” the next day.
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That’s exactly it. His complaints were that he had given me a ride to work a couple of times (like a half-hour away, and tops like 3-4 times) and then I was the super cheap one, despite buying all the paper towels, toilet paper, beer, and bud. 4 months I smoked him out when he was Nice Preschool was a hoot Owl shirt broke, gave him cigs, made meals for him and his GF when BBQing and stuff, yet they filled the sink with big ass meals, and since I’ve moved out I realized that they were eating my bread meat and cheese and using all my milk too. This…this right here. Some can’t handle the conversation and take it as an attack. I’ve had roommates literally act like children when I’ve sat down with them in the most friendly and professional matter.
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