I agree, I also loved the formatting of this writes up. Very impressed. Thanks for the post. I recently just got into looking back over Columbine since I haven’t in a few years and it’s still so scary and sad. I can’t imagine what those poor kids went through. I wonder if they hadn’t killed themselves would they have gotten the death penalty? Or life in prison due to their age? I was unprepared for her Ted talk. I ended up sobbing on How cops get away with murder blue lives murder I thought he had a gun I was in fear for my life he reached for his waistband shirt on my kitchen floor while watching it on my phone. I was just going into high school the fall after the shooting.
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We were the first group to go into high school and have lockdown drills. My stomach still drops and I have to go to the other room when my kids come home and say they had a lockdown drill. I can’t cry like that in front of them yet. My eldest was in preschool when Sandy Hook happened. That still fucks me up if I stumble across it unexpectedly. I’ll never forget when I found out How cops get away with murder blue lives murder I thought he had a gun I was in fear for my life he reached for his waistband shirt about Sandy Hook. I was in the middle of teaching. Many of us stopped teaching our content so we could talk with students about what had happened because it was blowing up on their phones (parents just checking in, etc.)
Official How cops get away with murder blue lives murder I thought he had a gun I was in fear for my life he reached for his waistband, Sweatshirt, Hoodie
I teach high schoolers so it turned into an amazing discussion on gun control, school safety, lockdown drills… But I always get the question from students, and it still hurts, “Why do we do these drills? Will it really keep us safe?” It’s hard to How cops get away with murder blue lives murder I thought he had a gun I was in fear for my life he reached for his waistband shirt answer that beyond me saying, “I will stand in front of you and keep you safe.” I don’t think I should have to take a bullet because that shouldn’t even be a question, but what else can I do if that does happen?
Other Products: How cops get away with murder blue lives murder I thought he had a gun I was in fear for my life he reached for his waistband shirt
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