Thus the adjuvant industry was born, with contaminants such as oils, salts, and virosomes (which are bits of influenza virus that do not replicate) added to vaccines.”It allows us to decrease the antigen content, which allows us to multiply the capacity,” said Philippe Monteyne, senior vice-president of global vaccines development at Glaxo. “And of course, multiplying the capacity has some impacts on the Nice Baby Yoda Mask Hug Sanofi Aventis shirt business side,” boosting profits. Adjuvants allowed companies to pump out more, but it is also a higher-margin business than antigens.
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My viewpoint on this article was much different than yours, I read this as simple capitalism, not a scam by the pharma industry. These flu vaccines were requested by the people and govts as people were dying, it wasn’t like the pharma industry was looking for a way to make vaccines more profitable. It just happened to fall into their lap so they jumped at the opportunity. I agree that it Nice Baby Yoda Mask Hug Sanofi Aventis shirt sounds greedy when the CEO states, “vaccines, vaccines, wonderful business,” but it is true, its a wonderful business because it is a great product that saves millions of lives.
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People are still dying from H1N1 today. 5 million children die every year from fully preventable diseases that vaccines can cure so this creates a high demand for vaccines. That’s capitalism for you. It would be nice if saving lives were the Nice Baby Yoda Mask Hug Sanofi Aventis shirt main driving force behind new ideas and innovation but we all know its money. But to say that it is only money and nothing else is short-sighted. If the meds did not save lives then they would be out of business. I think most researchers and doctors in pharma really do care about saving lives but the CEOs and CFOs are all about the money but it is their job to do so. Successful pharma companies find a way to bring a balance between money and saving lives.
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