Maybe they’ve finally found a turd even they can’t polish. Oh no, no handshake?! Those looking for legitimate Hot Coolest Tallest Fastest Shirt reasons or explanations for the claimed refund or dubious business expenses have to navigate past the 1-3 gross fraud things that immediately pop up that undermine any legitimacy for each action. It’s like an infestation Hot Coolest Tallest Fastest Shirt of bedbugs at a Trump Doral resort; begin looking in each room and you’ll end up feeling grosser and grosser and the feeling of bugs crawling on your skin. You end up with them in your bed when you get home, despite any attempts to distance yourself from the source.
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Just got curious at the beginning of the noon hour. Nd checked what story they Hot Coolest Tallest Fastest Shirts were starting with on Faux News. The debate tomorrow. They showed a recent clip of Joe Biden calling Donald not so smart and saying that he doesn’t know much about policy. No mention whatsoever of the NYT story. I’m certainly not surprised, but it still angers me beyond belief. It’s the second story now. But it’s not the actual story, but Trump’s response to the story. That’s always the playbook, first ignore for as long as possible, then ‘report’ how Trump slams, blasts, or rips in response while downplaying what actually happened.
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