The top and goody-two-shoes. Like I’m so on it with the mask issue that I even wear one in my own car alone. I wear a Calumniators Shall Invariably Calumniate Shirt mask to bed. I wear a mask in the shower. It’s like someone who turns their headlights on in the middle of the day or reminds the teacher they forgot to assign homework. It makes it seem Calumniators Shall Invariably Calumniate Shirt like the person thinks they’re special. But in reality, I think they’re just dorks. And for the record, I am very much pro mask. I think anyone not wearing one in a public setting is a self-centered a-hole. But I don’t wear one alone in my car personally. I usually keep the fact that I care to myself because it’s bloody stupid, but if I’m out by myself.
Calumniators Shall Invariably Calumniate Shirt, V-neck, Sweatshirt, And Hoodie
I can almost pretend things are normal if I don’t go inside and then a car drives by and there’s someone Calumniators Shall Invariably Calumniate Shirts in there wearing their mask all alone and it’s just a reminder that we live in hell right now when I was almost back to 2015 I had my first mask fight last night drink involved but no fists) – collecting take-out food before getting a cab and a sketchy 50-year-old and his misses come in the place behind me and start laughing that I’m wearing one. Started off semi nonconfrontational but they became really aggressive and I basically told them it was sad they thought I looked ridiculous and not the other way around. thankfully another guy walking in me.
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