Stupid, ignorant, living in a Top Trump Trumpkin Make Halloween Great Again American Flag Shirt podunk hick town in Texas where the most exciting thing to do is blow up grasshoppers with firecrackers and bash frogs with baseball bats between huffing fumes and lighting fires, all while tittering like an idiot. I take the claim of high intelligence as a statement of support for trump. I doubt both test result (yours and his) claims, but if the president is as intelligent as you claim, then he’s clearly a sociopath. That conclusion is based on many things, like the 160,000 plus Americans dead by the epidemic, and his indifference to the whole affair.
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All posts and comments that include any variation of the word retarded will be removed, but no action will be taken against your account unless it is an excessive personal attack. Please resubmit your post or comment without the bullying language. It is divisive, but if you are supporting him after what he has done to your nation that would be the Top Trump Trumpkin Make Halloween Great Again American Flag Shirt stupid part. Done with anyone that thinks this is ok. They have signed off on it and root it on. People support him because they have different opinions on what is going to help people in this country.
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