Open mouth, showing teeth, wide-open eyes, the Top Hedgehog I Am So Grumpy I Am Not Even Talking To Myself Shirt whites of its eyes are showing (real bad sign)- all in response to being forced to expose it’s the stomach, on it’s back in a vulnerable position, being dangled at a height over a large body of water. Here in Latvia, I’ve seen hedgehogs in the day quite a few times. They usually go around the compost box. Also, I’ve picked them up a few times and they usually are prickly enough to stab me even through the thick red rubber gloves I used. How is this man doing it barehanded?
Top Hedgehog I Am So Grumpy I Am Not Even Talking To Myself Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt and Hoodie
This is true. I would also say that it’s likely that there’s a number of factors to consider for Top Hedgehog I Am So Grumpy I Am Not Even Talking To Myself Shirt why the hedgehog may not be balling up. Hedgehogs tend to ball up when they’re huffing. They’re a lot like moody teenagers, they’re happy to play and get treats and such but they also can ball up from anything they aren’t too happy with. Like mine used to ball up as soon as she woke up and was happy and playful after for example. From what I can tell looking at the picture, it looks like the hedgie is trying to roll over. They can’t do this whilst in a ball and need to be open to flip over.
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