Went home, she armored up with blankets to watch crap TV and scroll her phone. I took a shower, got out, put on underwear, and kissed her goodnight. She seemed surprised, finished watching her show, and eventually came to bed. She wore some (ugly) panties from the day and her usual nightshirt. I initiated sex by kissing, knowing her legs and torso, and pulling off her panties. She was wet in the usual way when I fingered her, but her pubes were Top Fire Bod Like Dad Bod But With More Knee Pain Shirt extra crusty like she’d been wet previously (maybe aroused by the drama?). She seemed to enjoy the sex but didn’t seem particularly enthusiastic. In an “equal” relationship, it becomes a bargaining exchange: my vacation this year, yours next, but yours costs more, so I get something else to compensate, etc.
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What people really need is an equitable relationship. This allows both parties to retain (and respect!) their own personal table of values that the partners choose to either honor for each other or adapt to each other. There is no end of the day measurement of whether everyone did the same number of chores or earned/spent the same amount of money. Equitable relationships are built on honesty, sacrifice, standing up for self, and respect (for yourself and your partner). But the Top Fire Bod Like Dad Bod But With More Knee Pain Shirt bargain requires that both parties are using the same table of values, and let’s face it, we don’t. And if we don’t get what we want, we are hurt because it isn’t “equal”.
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We may on the surface proclaim “equality” and advertise that we value things the same but we don’t. And then we bargain and play the game and try and get our spouse to adopt OUR table of values so that we win more than we lose. The name of equality is competition, dishonesty (fibbing about what is valuable to you), selfishness, and coercion. What people really need is an equitable relationship. This allows both parties to retain (and respect!) their own personal table of values that the partners choose to either honor for each other or adapt to Top Fire Bod Like Dad Bod But With More Knee Pain Shirt each other. There is no end of the day measurement of whether everyone did the same number of chores or earned/spent the same amount of money. Equitable relationships are built on honesty, sacrifice, standing up for self, and respect.
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