Yeah, the discussion that whoever was ‘driving the car’ is gone and the rest of the cows are following the motions, though even then it would make sense that the cows at the top of the council would at least be not-drugged and trying to follow ‘the mission’ and then it’s just figuring out where they’ve stockpiled resources for millions of years. But there was the bit during the talk invasion by the dwellerspawn, where the one in charge questioned why ‘the slaves’ had not done their job and tamed the inhabitants. But its been mentioned elsewhere that the cows are working on gentling the dwellerspawn they interact with too. so is that ‘just following the Top Evil As Hell But I Still Need Collection Shirt plan’ or is/was there more to that?
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A lot of stuff out there, but so far every little bit revealed only creates more questions rather than answers them. I think it’s more likely that they “gentled” the dwellerspawn to the point where they’re no longer capable of being in charge. Likewise, something happened to the Top Evil As Hell But I Still Need Collection Shirt former ruling Lana Allen and because of how intensely the current ones are “gentled” and controlled, they don’t have the awareness to buck off the trend of drugging themselves. Although I’m sure that they drug the other species far more heavily, as shown with that one nearly extinct one.
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I think Ralts admitted in the comments for the time-loop station that the Devourers were the natural, unweaponized Dwellerspawn at the heart of the neutron star and were the reason for its strange qualities (no gravity or radiation until you were a certain distance away from its surface). You might need to go back to those stories to check but the Dwellerspawn can still be a weaponized form of the Devourers that turn on their owners a la the Precursors. Considering the Top Evil As Hell But I Still Need Collection Shirt Imperium kind of uses a lot of Hellspace-based stuff… The contention of resources sounds just about right. Or just about anything to trigger them really. If this was not stated clearly in-universe, Hellspace is a lot like a warp in WH40K.
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