I’d like to see is what your plans and/or philosophy for Champion mods are, especially with exotic primaries. I’d really like to use some exotic primaries in Nightfalls, but they just kinda sit in my vault because of that. Needing mods for Champions also makes it so you can’t use other QoL mods like Counterbalance, or Rampage/Dragonfly spec. Is there a technical reason why weapons can’t just get an extra mod slot for Champion mods, or that they can’t just be a passive thing after unlocking them in the artifact, or that Top Stay Home And Listen To Music Iron Maiden Shirt more of a philosophy thing like you would consider it overpowered?
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What exactly is going to be done about the balanced of “earned” vs “bought” cosmetics? (This doesn’t mean “earned” by Bright Dust, this means earned by activity, challenge, or Triumph. “Earning” things from Tess significantly reduces the value of that effort and doesn’t add to the Evolving World. This includes items from the Season Pass. Those are nice, but getting items from actions instead of menus will always be better.)The above Top Stay Home And Listen To Music Iron Maiden Shirt point might be welcomed with numbers per season as we lead into them – from Bungie and not data-miners.
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“This season we are adding 40 items to the EV (30 of which will be available with Bright Dust, 10 will be Silver exclusive) and 30 items to the world drops and activities.” Something transparent like that rather than just sliding 80 items into EV without a word on it. Right now, EV feels like it’s trying to be sneaky even though we can see all of the data which doesn’t help its reputation at all. Will there be Top Stay Home And Listen To Music Iron Maiden Shirt different paths for F2P players vs Season Pass holders? At the moment, we are both treated like F2P players and it doesn’t feel good.
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