Fruit of the loom fucks with my head because I have memories of connecting that cornucopia TO the thanksgiving decor of the time (early-90s) when I was looking at my (now-deceased) grandpas laundry being folded by my grandma in her bedroom. I will never forget this moment in time, but apparently it never fucking happened. My very first memory is 5 years old putting fruit of the loom underwear on in my room, which I would go on to do hundreds of times after that day in my life and the cornucopia is clear as day too I and this one has always Top Enjoy Your Drink Slut Puppy The Golden Girl shirt given me goosebumps cause as you said apparently that never happened …
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I used to get those big, brown envelopes with his face printed on the cover and on the sheet inside, for my grandmother. He used to do commercials for them too, I remember how he held a piece of paper as he talked about Publisher’s clearinghouse. I can picture how weird he’d hold it with just the tips of his fingers. Are people saying that never happened? Stumbled across some residue re Ed McMahon and Publishers Clearing House. The day Mr. McMahon died, the Opie and Anthony radio show hosts were talking about him for a few minutes and Anthon Cumia asked: “Do you remember when Ed McMahon used to come up with a big check for their Publishers Clearing House? Do you think there was a knock on the door, and Top Enjoy Your Drink Slut Puppy The Golden Girl shirt Ed opened it and it was the Grim Reaper?”
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that’s exactly how you are meant to feel about a particular M.E that takes you over the KNOW it with all your being, it is just basic, ingrained, accepted knowledge to you.and with the FOTL and ed Mcmahon ones, in particular, there are a whole lot of people that share that viewpoint..just bizarre that 100% accepted facts of our reality can be switched out or just disappear and people have the nerve to argue its “always been that way”…lunacy. My mom entered that all the time we always waited to win and waited for him to show up at our door with a check. I def remember this and the commercials I was super poor when I was little and my mom was always entering it’s a bit piece of my memory from childhood. Also, the grease movie Top Enjoy Your Drink Slut Puppy The Golden Girl shirt hydroclimatic like where tf did that go?!
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