Not a father, but I have a wholesome story of my own dad. I was born very early, at only four pounds. On top of that, or possibly, as a result, I have a fragile immune system, especially so when I was young, and up until a few years ago, I got seriously sick (fever, vomiting, sore throat, the whole shebang) five times or more a year. I would become so dehydrated from vomiting or get such a high fever that at times, I had to be brought into the emergency room. As a result, I drank exclusively pedialite to counter that when sick, and I developed a serious distaste and hate for the stuff. My sister was maybe 10 or 11. My dad was very worried and had been waiting all day for us to come home from school. When we got home he pulled her aside saying he needed to have a Official The Original Founding Fathers Shirt serious talk with her.
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My dad was responsible for bathing me one night to help me cool down, I must have been six or seven at the oldest. We were on a vacation, and even as an adult, I always get really sick during or after traveling, and I had inconveniently gotten sick while we were staying in a hotel. I’d had a high fever, and my body was so sore and tired I’d slept for 24 hours, no one could wake me up, and I hadn’t drunk anything in that time. So my dad put in front of me a very big glass of Pedialyte and told me I had to finish the whole thing while I sat in the bath. I took it as obediently as I Official The Original Founding Fathers Shirt could, but a fourth of the way in, I just felt so miserable and mad that I started sobbing.
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My dad had this heartbreaking look on his face, and stroked my hair, near tears himself. It was late, and we were tired, so he wrapped me up in a towel, and put me in bed with him and mom. My dad drinks a lot of mountain dew, and he told me that for every three sips of Pedialyte I get down, I can have a sip of soda to help wash out the bad taste, but don’t tell mom. I never did, and it’s one of my favorite memories of me and my dad. He said to her “I was looking for a pencil, and found this in your desk” and pulled out a plastic baggie filled with some dried plant material. She Official The Original Founding Fathers Shirt said, “oh, catnip?” He thought it was pot.
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