YTA. I’m all for advocating and educating about neutering and you did that but I think it crosses the line to report them and try to get them in trouble. It’s not like they are mistreating the dog, they could train him better but I think this is going too far just because you were annoyed he barked and needed to be walked during Thanksgiving. You don’t even see them that often. This isn’t a situation where you have to involve authorities, it’s not like anyone is in danger so it Official Shih Tzu 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt seems unnecessarily petty and disloyal. You could seriously damage your relationship with them, I wouldn’t really consider someone who did that to my family.
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This is actually pretty spot on with one exception: I wasn’t annoyed with the Official Shih Tzu 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt barking at all. In fact, when they kept telling Odie to stop barking, I told them it was okay because everyone was engaged in conversation anyway. When they eventually told the kids to walk Odie out on the sidewalk while it’s raining, that’s when I got annoyed. Also, it’s not like I would ask the City/County to let my relatives know that it was me all along and they would give them 2 months to comply. Anyway…at the end of the day, it’s their own issue. When they expressed their concerns to me regarding Odie’s behavior at the time.
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I thought they could’ve killed two birds (behavioral change and ordinance compliance) with one stone (neutering your dog). It doesn’t change the fact that they still need to either be in compliance or be an exemption to the ordinance. But calling it in would’ve been an official Shih Tzu 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt dick move and me WBTA. I did realize you wouldn’t actually ask the city to tell your relatives it was you who called it in but since you have brought this up with them repeatedly and no one else has reported it until they spent Thanksgiving with you recently then I think they could have put two and two together so it is probably good that you reconsidered.