Rereading the list I noticed you put Ricky Martin in the bisexual list, and even if he has admitted that he doesn’t regret his previous relationships with women (like the 14 years he was on-and-off with Rebecca de Alba) he doesn’t identify as bisexual even if he enjoys sex with a woman as he’s only interested into dating men and such thanks so much for the support!! And yes, Annie said she “believes in gender and sexual fluidity” and “fully supports and engages in the LGBT Love Is Love #Pride Blood Inside Me Shirt [gender and sexuality] spectrum”.
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I only put him in the bisexual/pansexual label because of Medicine’s explicit attraction to both genders in the song. I have always interpreted that that lyric as his way of coming out, which is why I put him there. Hopefully, that clears my reasoning up. It was actually going to comment and say that, as a longtime one direction fan (and ofc Harry styles fan) I was LGBT Love Is Love #Pride Blood Inside Me Shirt very happy and almost tearful to see that he was placed on this list at all Lynn Gunn of PVRIS identifies as gay. This is the article where she herself talks about it. There is also a rolling stones article where they mention this article while interviewing her I’ll link that too.
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I’m not sure of the criteria for your list (if it has to be one or all members of an LGBT Love Is Love #Pride Blood Inside Me Shirt/band) but Brendon Urie from Panic! At The Disco is pansexualHe’s already on the list! But I’m going to use this comment to tell everyone that they should listen to Pet Shop Boys because they fucking bop Thanks for enjoying the list and adding to it! I’m super glad the community is coming together to tell me of the artists I missed, I knew I couldn’t get everyone so I’m really happy y’all are giving me the info on artists I didn’t know :D
Other product: LGBT Love Is Love #Pride Blood Inside Me Shirt