I am one of those people who defend Jason Goes to Hell and Jason X. Jason Goes to Hell is a ton of fun with all the bizarre mystical stuff. It’s b-movie schlock but I find it pretty charming. Jason X is definitely not a good movie, but I enjoy the cornball antics more than OP for some reason. Still, well write up Blueiguana1976! I’m right there with you Official Merica Miller Lite The Greatest Country On Earth Shirt in defending JGTH. They made some baffling decisions for that one, but it’s so incredibly entertaining because of those psychotic choices. As you said, it’s charming in its own way and I just don’t understand the hate it gets. As for Jason X, I saw it by myself in the theater when it came out.
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And when I say I was by myself, I don’t mean I went to the theater alone, I mean I was literally the only person in the theater. It was the greatest cinematic experience of my life. Honestly, Jason X is an incredible so-bad-its-good kind of movie. I watched 5-8 last week because I have the Friday the 13th boxset on by Ray and I had never seen those and it was a fucking slog with 6 being the only one that was kind of interesting to me. I would rather have watched Jason X four times in an Official Merica Miller Lite The Greatest Country On Earth Shirt row because at the very least it isn’t as paint by number dull as those films. The sci-fi angle and the associated gags give it some soul that I felt was nowhere to be found in the later part of the numbered entries in the franchise.
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I love good movies and I love bad movies because they provoke a reaction from me–I have strong feelings and opinions about them. What I can’t stand are mediocre movies where I can’t remember what happened two days after I’ve watched them. My absolute favorite Friday the 13th. Perfect amount of cheese and kills. Plus the ending with maskless Jason pounding on the window and chasing Chris down the lake beachside fucking scared the hell out of me when I first saw this as Official Merica Miller Lite The Greatest Country On Earth Shirt a kid. Dunno why, but it makes a big impression on me. My wife really enjoyed this one as well. I believe adjusted for inflation it’s the second highest-grossing (after the first one) in the original series. Just didn’t do it for me!
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