I’m sure they’re factors today in a society where there’s always concern about the image. In the late ’90s, having that edge was a good move in their business. The Attitude Era wouldn’t work today because some small group of people would raise a ruckus, and the sponsors would force WWE into toning it down. I mean, look on the internet whenever the WWE does something remotely controversial today. People whine they went too far more times than not. The Official Fix Your Heart America Shirt attitude era often rode the line between having an edge and being tasteless (Ruthless Aggression was largely just tasteless). I think WWE could easily sharpen its edge a bit without crossing that line if they put real effort into it.
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I feel the opposite. I think wrestling is at its best when there are strong stories. I also liked how the attitude era booked the wrestlers. The top stars didn’t fight every damn week just to have pointless rubberband matches. They waited until their PPV to have a big match. It made the PPVs more exciting too and also made the weekly shows exciting because you never knew what you might miss. Now you do. You can skip Raw and Smackdown one week and miss absolutely nothing of importance. The show has way better technical wrestling now sure, but man they are lacking the entertainment factor big time. Bad acting abounds, corny writing, and very few big-name stars. I think it would be nice to get a little bit of the old days mixed in Official Fix Your Heart America Shirt with today’s amazing wrestling. It could have something for everyone. Lord knows there’s enough talent there to be used.
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Before I start, I feel like I should say something. The last 24 hours have probably been the craziest 24 hours of my life. I’m an emotional wreck. Yesterday, my dad died in his sleep due to breast cancer. The breast cancer was so severe that it turned to bone cancer and it ultimately engulfed his liver. Thankfully, he died peacefully in his sleep. Right now, I’m driving to see my dad one last time at a funeral home. By the time you read this, I’m probably crying my eyes out over the loss of my dad. I just want to let you guys know that I love you all and I hope you Official Fix Your Heart America Shirt guys know that. Also, just because I’m going through shit right now doesn’t mean I’m stopping these writings. I’m going to continue doing them because it brings me joy. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this edition.
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