These cases are always intriguing and I’ve gone down many rabbit holes reading upon them. Certainly, no well-adjusted person wakes up one day and decides to go on a rampage. It makes for an interesting discussion. To me, it seems like they were both mentally ill and the years of rejection triggered something to make them act out violently. I’ve only read small blurbs that talk briefly about their upbringings. You can see similarities but at the same time, you can say they were not rejected any more than any other guy. Or that guys who went through their entire lives with that type of rejection never developed a hatred for women – or even if they did, they did not commit mass murder. It can get really deep. Like for Top 2nd Amendment This Well Defend American Flag Shirt, the questions like what is normal, what is a person’s purpose in life, what is success and what is happiness is all asked.
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Sadly I think this type of entitlement complex is common. There are probably millions of guys who think they deserve better than what they have. But it’s a spectrum. On the low end, you have some guy who probably has a girlfriend or wife but hates his life and even cheats because he thinks he deserves better. Middle of the spectrum you have full-on incels who are self-aware and will not make an effort to be better and might woman bash online. Then on the high end of it, you have the guys who walk into a restaurant with a weapon with the intention of killing as many people as possible. Fratboy-type men Top 2nd Amendment This Well Defend American Flag Shirt or those with the hookup mentality are really just the far ends of the same spectrum, only that they’re socially adept or privileged enough to get sexual access to women.
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It’s debatable. Some say he had some sort of untreated mental illness; his own father was a doctor (not a psychiatrist) and suggested to another doctor, “Maybe he’s schizophrenic.” They could never really prove it and Hennard is dead now so… who knows? Then there’s the theory that he was “the first incel,” because his hatred of women was prevalent during the massacre and he purposely killed more women than men. No drugs or alcohol were found in his system when they conducted his autopsy. It really is a mystery but Top 2nd Amendment This Well Defend American Flag Shirt I’m working on another post solely about Hennard’s early life and troubles. One thing’s for sure: the guy couldn’t keep a relationship steady.
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