Be descriptive. Cover the character’s origins and background in a clean, and presentable way. Tell us a bit about the history behind their creation. And don’t forget the major events that helped shape who they are. Remember that this is your chance to sell this character to new readers. Tell us what makes this character interesting. Or better yet, show us, with an excerpt or two (keep it limited to a few panels, don’t post pages and pages from a comic). Give us a list of recommended reads. These can include definitive origin stories, major events, influential runs, or even your Nice Cow Not In The Mooood Vintage Retro Shirt personal favorites. Include descriptions of these books, too, so we know what makes each of them essential to the character.
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Yep, I’ve been hiking around cows and bulls in Spain and Switzerland. You just want to respect a bull’s space but they are not aggressive. I’ve never been up close with big American cattle. Are these bulls always aggressive? They aren’t. Most people in the US just have never actually been around cows/bulls and only think about them in the context of a rodeo or bullfight. My Grandfather’s cows would always follow his truck around the farm and they were super nice. On the other side, they can be a bit aggressive if they don’t get what they want. I almost had Nice Cow Not In The Mooood Vintage Retro Shirt my knee blown out by one when I didn’t open the hay bale fast enough. But yes generally they are pretty chill.
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Govt is trying its best to bring people out of poverty, open school, and implement different schemes but one group of people are producing at least 8 children because God told them this is causing problems for the govt. The good thing is now with internet access young generation are learning new thing daily. Even the internet becomes accessible to everyone cheap recently. The current government is doing good work. the amount to toilet built in villages has helped reducing open defection in poor regions. All efforts to educate and assist ones‘ populace is a blessing and the duty of elected officials in government. Birth control options and family planning are crucial in today’s world and will become more so in time, IMHO. Proper waste management is crucial to Nice Cow Not In The Mooood Vintage Retro Shirt health and life.
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