We killed 600 thousand confederates when they wouldn’t stop slavery. We killed 4.5 million Nazis when they wouldn’t stop concentration camps. Frankly, these popped collar polo tiki torch-wielding fascist sacks of shit have no idea the can of fuck they Official Dairy Cows American Flag shirt have opened. They had better pray to fucking white Jesus we beat them diplomatically and then prosecute all their criminals and then disband their whole damn party. Because that is the BEST outcome they have left.
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Yes, we did and we took all the Nazis we could find and we put them to work developing rockets and running the CIA. We had one of the most demented governments on the planet until now. Now we Official Dairy Cows American Flag shirt may have one of the most demented in the galaxy. For real though, its often the same people who also complain when you’re protesting what’s unjust, trying anything to fix an issue, and also say you should go back to where you came from when you use your civil liberties within the pseudo-democratic system to work towards change, not realizing patriotism can be more than blind nationalism.
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Thanks for this follow-up, it sounds like you had an excellent journey, and lots of time to meditate and enjoy the scenery, people, and food along the way. How did you return? Or was this a one-way trip? I read your original post, and it’s Official Dairy Cows American Flag shirt took me down an internet rathole for several hours looking at the sites/routes / stravas in the follow-up comments. I even started thinking about doing this ride myself. I live in Coppell, and my parents live in Lago Vista. Unfortunately, the closest that I think I could get would be Cedar Park, or maybe Jonestown.
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