Echoing this. This sub can at times just be an irate mass of people with a separation boner at times, but it’s absolutely correct in this case. Your parents are narcissistic and cruel. What type of detached asshole shit talks the deceased to their grieving Official Behind Every Bad Bitch Is A Sweet Girl Who Got Tired Of Everyones Bullshit shirt partner, and then guilts them for grieving and somehow(?) inconveniencing them by mourning the loss of your loved one. Their lack of understanding is frustrating enough, let alone sustained cruelty. Nobody wants to read this, but your parents sound like seriously SHITTY people. You owe it to yourself to SAFELY find an alternative place to live for the sake of your own health, stability, and privacy (why the fuck is there no door in your room?).
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Maybe after a break, they’ll realize their callous response to your grief in a difficult time. Frankly, I don’t know that Official Behind Every Bad Bitch Is A Sweet Girl Who Got Tired Of Everyones Bullshit shirt any level of apology could rectify that type of overt shiftiness. I couldn’t even finish reading this. as a fellow lesbian, I could not COMPREHEND having to deal with parents like this when you are trying to heal from such a traumatic event. I am so, so sorry about your fiancée. how absolutely devastating. I hope you can get out of that environment and get therapeutic help to really heal from this.
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It’s because she thinks that lesbianism is a state, not an identity like being straight. She’s thinking, “Oh thank God the fiancee is dead. Now that she’s not dating a woman she’s straight.”It’s like “Ah yes I love the weekends because I’m not Official Behind Every Bad Bitch Is A Sweet Girl Who Got Tired Of Everyones Bullshit shirt in class which means I’m no longer a student and therefore never will be again :)”That was far from the worst thing she said. She wanted to buy her daughter a blow-up doll and dress her in her dead fiancée’s clothing. I don’t know why OP is staying with anyone in this family.
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