Really good read! Thanks for this. Today marks 8 days I went to NC. I asked her politely to stop Official Fear Anxiety Doubt Sin But God Grief Loss Shame Pain Shirt reaching out to me, we were “being friends” for 2 months since the breakup, and it was making me really anxious. I was making my decisions and choosing what I would post on social media based on what I know she would like. Happy 8th day! Happy 9th day should I say? It’s okay to think about her daily but don’t worry about posting the right thing for her. Keep focusing on YOU! I think my podcast can help you out a lot too and I would love it if you would take your time and give it a listen. I delve into more detail and share some personal stories that you will find invaluable.
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It’s a long listen but you can maybe listen to it during your commute or other menial tasks. This post Official Fear Anxiety Doubt Sin But God Grief Loss Shame Pain Shirt really resonates with me. He broke up with me 3 weeks ago and it came out of nowhere. The last time we spent together was lovely, then all of a sudden I wasn’t enough for him. It’s broken me to the core, I cried for a week, I couldn’t eat, sleep or drink. I became physically ill with a flu-like viral infection. This meant I sat feeling ill thinking about him all day. Made things worse. I already suffer from anxiety.
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This has sent me into an anxious spiral. Feeling awful each and every day. I chose to go no contact after not hearing from him for a week after the breakup. I told him everything on my mind, how to hurt I was, sent him all the photos of our time together, and told him I was blocking and deleting him off all social media- to protect myself. I know he won’t contact me again, I know he won’t ever Official Fear Anxiety Doubt Sin But God Grief Loss Shame Pain Shirt want me again, yet I’d do anything to have him back. Thank you for your post, it put everything I’m feeling into words and really helped me. I’m still not in a good place, I know I need to accept it’s over, but I just don’t want to let him go.
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