Dude and all my kids Official Baby Pig And Baby Unicorn Best Friends Shirt just look angry in their camp pictures. Like, laughing, running, swimming, all day, to grumpy, hungry, tired, missing Fortnite, and won’t take a decent picture after dinner. My plan is to just make them each a full 0-18 year photo album with nothing but their worst, edgiest, angriest mugs. I’m 100% serious, no exaggeration here, my oldest sets the tone, and my wife’s mom has ruined everyone for pictures. Camera/phone comes out and you can see the holiday/birthday/family event flashback in her eyes. And to be fair, that old woman does be takin too many pictures all the time.
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As an oldest… please don’t put the burden on them to “set the tone”. They didn’t choose to be born first. Being blamed for what everyone else does just because you’re the Official Baby Pig And Baby Unicorn Best Friends Shirt oldest sucks. And since you know that pictures leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth because of the annoying grandma, maybe just try to make memories in your head if people aren’t in a great mood, rather than bringing out the baggage? Try to snap a few candids during the happy times instead (just delete them if they’re awful and the kid wants you to).
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