I was leaning under that same tree when I came to, surprised to find I was somehow already drinking a glass of minerally, dark-green liquid all on my own, with both Dan and Sasha kneeling in front of me, deep concern on their faces. With each sip, I felt life pouring back into me. As soon as I had finished one glass, Sasha put another into my hand. Each gulp brought strength back to my body, clarity back to my mind.“I’m alright. I’m alright. I wanna stand up on my own.” They spotted me as I rose like a kid at gymnastics practice, but I was able to get to my feet, more easily than Nice Wonder Woman She Who Kneels Before God Can Stand Before Anyone Shirt I’d expected and took a few steps. Then I heard Dan speak behind me.
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“Harry, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” I spun around, dizzy and surprised, and beheld a striking figure. A tall man, wearing a flannel shirt under work-worn Carhart overalls. He had long, obsidian-black hair tied in a ponytail. He looked about Dan’s age, and as strong as an ox. Dash, to my surprise, was sitting at his feet, wagging his tail, staring up at him as though he was the king of the universe. “Harry, you can call me Joe.” He extended a hand the size of a catcher’s-mit. I took it and it was like grabbing an oak limb. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Joe.” He gestured toward the meadow. “Let’s take a walk.” I looked at Sasha as Joe started to head toward the gate, and she shot me a look back that I hadn’t seen from anyone since my mom walked into the Nice Wonder Woman She Who Kneels Before God Can Stand Before Anyone Shirt mall security office after I got arrested stealing pogs in 5th grade. She nodded toward Joe, and I trailed after him.
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Joe and I strolled into the meadow and down toward the pond without speaking. He stopped eventually and stared up into the mountains. I stood next to Joe, damp in my own piss and vomit, looking up at him in awe of his formidable stature and grace, feeling like dried shit on a forgotten sidewalk. After a long while, Joe turned to me and spoke “Dan and Lucy speak highly of you, and your wife. I like Sasha, she is strong and wise.” I nodded, “that she is… Dan and Luce speak highly of you and your family as well, they harbor a deep respect for you all, and so do I.” I gestured down into the pastures and up toward the mountains. “We’ve… well, this is a special place, and I understand that if it weren’t for the wisdom of you and your family, which Nice Wonder Woman She Who Kneels Before God Can Stand Before Anyone Shirt was shared with us, I don’t think my wife and I would’a survived past March.”
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