A rebellious gunner who although skilled is consistently in a bad mood. Lucille is a lone wolf who had always worked by herself. Although now she pretends to Nice Ronald Reagan I Smell Hippies Shirt be earning her pay by simply encouraging a rich girl’s pastime, the truth is that she is beginning to enjoy her time being involved in Ryumynui’s antics. But now she’s found someone, has she? I wonder if she’s just not being honest with herself? Do we finally get quad to wield a la Bravely Second? Nothing better than Ninja Edea running quad katanas and max braving. 16 consecutive attacks crit almost every time. You can put the 3DS down, go into the kitchen, make a sandwich, come back and she’s just about finished attacking.
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I added you on SOA, my ID is 6ZQRG2WEFH. For anyone is this sub, I’d love more mutual followers, since there doesn’t seem to be any easy way to find out who is following you. I have a good Maria, as everyone does, so I switched my lead to a 6* Myuria with Nightmare Rod for variety. Tom, I’m so happy to Nice Ronald Reagan I Smell Hippies Shirt have something else to read besides the constant stream of “well JP got” and “I demand compensation.” Shit, I barely care about the bugs. I cleared 150+ unit slots and I’ll never have to pay for a unit slot again. Praise be. Added you on SO: A player ID YQJKK3CDQQ. I hope you stick around on this one long enough for some Scotch fueled PPD posts for this game.
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