I were a famous musician and was told I could tour with one of my musical heroes if I accepted a smaller payout from the record company, I’d gladly agree. I think it’s also a sign that loves his acting or hates it, he respects the art and craft over the paycheck, and is willing to forego financial compensation to bring heavy-hitting talent in that will increase the likelihood the film will succeed. Names like Hackman and Pacino in the credits alone will put asses in theater seats due to their clout. Plus I’m sure he could live off the money he made from the Bill and Ted films for life, let alone if he invested it and was smart about his spending habits. From economics and negotiating standpoint, they have to determine their own worth. If you want to Nice Premium Al Pacino Michelle Pfeiffer World Is Yours Scarface Shirt command top dollar, you can’t dip below a threshold, or else now you’ve just valued yourself as such for future contracts.
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Everyone at the lead level has a ‘rate’, which is tempered by their ‘quote’. the rate is the starting number from the agent or agency, the quote is based on previous actuals. if a certain A list person is especially interested in a certain project, because of whatever reasons, they accept more generous below rate accommodations that might take them below previous quotes. almost never does an A list person, working on a project they care about, with co-stars or a director or producer they want to work with, work on a project at the full rate. if all the A list people always got full rate there would be no budget left for feeding the below line folks. I’m not saying Keanu isn’t an absolute gem, i’m just saying that some of this article is a little out of context. I’d do it too so when the time’s right, you could say “You owe me one, Pacino!” or “What was that, Hackman? Yeah, that’s what I thought!”. I’d do it too so when the time’s right, you could say “You owe me one, Pacino!” or “What was that, Hackman? Yeah, that’s Nice Premium Al Pacino Michelle Pfeiffer World Is Yours Scarface Shirt what I thought!”
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Michaels delivery of “You’re out Tom” has always fascinated me. There’s some pent up hostility there maybe. Especially in 2 at the end of the flashback sequence “You discussed my future with my father”. Not “our father”. “My”. Then during the scene after the failed to hit at the start of 2 where he sits Tom down and tells him he’s in control while Mike investigates. I’ve always had the feeling that he’s using Tom and lying to him. The “I’ve always admired you” line rings as false and Toms want of being thought of as a Brother is known to Mike. Does he trust him? Yes. But I don’t think anything else he says is true. Because he is the closest and most trustworthy confidante, he needs to isolate him for a bit so that when a traitor emerges within the Nice Premium Al Pacino Michelle Pfeiffer World Is Yours Scarface Shirt family (e.g. Tessio and then Fredo), he knows 100% that he can rely on him with his and his families live.
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