We had it drop to the -10’s C a few years ago and that was not pleasant. We’re also notoriously unprepared for anything other than 15c and the country goes to shit multiple times per season, it’s a national obsession. Every spring there’s some dummy in shorts and a t-shirt the first day when the temperature goes above zero. It’s funny how warm 2 degrees feels when it’s been below -20 for 3 months. It’s all relative really. I’ve only ever known this climate so when the deep freeze comes then I’m ready for it. Why just the other day I had a pleasant conversation about the remarkable weather we’re having for the time of year. I will put it to the test. It was 95 Fahrenheit today, and the reverse should work. Nice Official Beer Because Punching People In The Face Is Illegal Shirt 95 minus 32 divided by 2. I get 31.5. 35 degrees celsius when a convert online converter. 31.5 degrees celsius equals 88.7 degrees Fahrenheit. Close enough estimate.
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Before gas ovens, you’d basically just have a cooking range that would burn wood or coal, and you’d have to be good at working out if you needed the fire hotter or cooler (and thus build up fuel or mess with a dampener). My Nan’s copy of Mrs. Beeton’s Household Management basically has no instructions for temperatures beyond like “bake at a high heat”. Can confirm. I worked in a museum and demonstrated how to use the ovens. As a woman, you would have been brought up with the expectation of going into “service” (be a maid) and getting married. Our temperature gauge as if it’s too hot to touch…good. Obviously there are nuances to opening and shutting the dampers and you have to ensure the Nice Official Beer Because Punching People In The Face Is Illegal Shirt flues are cleared of soot. I baked many loaves of bread in that oven!
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So gas marks were a similar idea – the rate of flow of the gas. If you were used to faffing with a range then being able to control the level of fuel inflow with a simple knob would have seemed super accurate. Not to mention ingredients wouldn’t have been pre-portioned so you might be dealing with “a large bird” rather than having something you know to cook for 20 minutes at Gas Mark 5 (so you’d just be checking it and using experience to know when something would be done – kinda like frying something in a pan; it’s not exact, you just check when something is about ready and turn the heat up or down where necessary). I’ve seen older ovens tested with flour, you’d sprinkle some in the hot oven and you’d Nice Official Beer Because Punching People In The Face Is Illegal Shirt judge based on if/how fast the flour burned.
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