The ironic thing is I’ve never met a Nice Just A CNA Who Loves Fall Halloween Shirt girl who didn’t like Halloween unless they were religious. But when you say that, NLOGs go ‘lol but they dress so slutty!!’ So what, Breonna? You look like a god damn hippo every day so who cares if Tina dresses in a short dress because she thinks it looks good and it gives her confidence? I dress super conservative due to self-esteem issues, but I always congratulate the people who have the balls to wear whatever when it’s like 40°F outside. To me, It’s totally fine if a girl uses her interest in Halloween to make her feel unique. Everyone likes to feel unique. The only issue is when she uses this interest to act superior to girls who like other holidays or feminine things.
Nice Just A CNA Who Loves Fall Halloween Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt and Hoodie
Especially from Tkmaxx, they sell actual homeware(like kitchen stuff, towels, etc) with awesome decor on it for a decent price. But always go after Halloween, get the discounts. I often would buy cheap Halloween decorations and repaint them to fit my home’s color scheme. I took this solid black wreath with a skull in the center and made it into a wreath of vines (I collect ivy plants) and added a color gradient from (top) spring to (bottom) fall. Hell yeah! I’ll look to see if I have any photos of it left. I moved in with my current SO and he didn’t particularly care for the wreath, my rats, and poison bottle/candleholder collection. But I know I have photos of them all somewhere. In the Nice Just A CNA Who Loves Fall Halloween Shirt girl meantime, I’ll post some photos of stuff I still have in an edit!
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