Alright man, check it out. This is a big point in your life, and it could define you. Remember: you already tried playing nicely. You asked not to file charges. Your parents never gave playing nice a shot – so this is it. You can let them rule you, or you can shove their rules up their asses. 17 is basically an adult, by many definitions. Act like one, now. Get talking to police and family lawyers. Fuck them up. It’s not likely you’ll have any Nice Bicycle Life Behind shirt decent relationship with them anyway, so you might as well not suffer any more for their childish attitudes. Fuck them up.
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Charge them. File for theft if possible. Talk to the scholarship folks, defer if possible, get value from it one way or another. Don’t take this laying down.
I’ll finish this off with a word of encouragement – at your age, I was a piece of a shit teenager. My parents were and are pretty great, and I just coasted because I could. I was nowhere near as responsible as what you have going for yourself – a car, a scholarship, a trade… and I turned out great. I’m a Nice Bicycle Life Behind shirt massive success, in the regard that I feed myself and my fiancee, I house us and our dogs, our bills are paid and my savings are healthy. I’m gainfully employed.
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Now, you’re already more than a few steps ahead of where I was. You’re on a path to Awesometown. If you let your dirtbag parents get in the way, you’ll be setting an example to yourself of letting any injustice slide on by. Be true to yourself. Take ownership of your future. Fight for what you are owed, and you will be richer for it. Life is tough, no doubt, but if nobody fought, it’d be meaningless AND tough. Lace-em up, my friend. I wonder if OP has Nice Bicycle Life Behind shirt some legal option with respect to the car itself, notwithstanding the fact the Title is the parent’s name. After all, he is a minor, so it would not be unusual to have the title in an adult’s name, and if OP can prove he paid for the car, he should be able to legally claim it somehow one would hope.
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