The movie’s existence isn’t recognized by the plot of the series. Especially the massively unnecessary Meowica Cat 4th Of July Patriotic American Flag Shirt changed the ending and all of the parts left out of the movie that would’ve led up to the proper ending. All of the squid-related plots are replaced in the movie. Stick with the original graphic novel. Other than Meowica Cat 4th Of July Patriotic American Flag Shirt the butcher job they did on the ending, the movie isn’t that bad. It’s lackluster but is visually very true to the comic. Sometimes even shot for shot, so to speak. You’ll get the gist of the original story but it won’t shed light on the Ozymandias/squid storyline.
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I just don’t understand why they fundamentally changed the ending except to make it bigger. Ruins the Meowica Cat 4th Of July Patriotic American Flag Shirts whole movie. Like many people, I first learned Leveled Up To Preschool Shirt about this from Watchmen. In fact, when I say I learned of this from Watchmen, it’s more accurate to say that I saw the episode and thought it was part of the divergent history of the world the story takes place in. Later that week I read that it was actually a thing that happened. If it wasn’t for Watchmen, half of us wouldn’t even know about it, they did a good job of hiding this part of history.
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