It’s more than that. It’s murder. How about stealing ventilators and other medical supplies destined for Le Meilleur Papy Mon Roi Pour Toujours Je Taime Papy Shirt city-states so he could play Santa and give the equipment away to who he sees fit. Show me one Trump member who is not morally bankrupt. Even if you want to attack the places of your political opponents which is dumb and evil in itself, did they never consider that they’d have supporters in the area? Is everyone in a place with a gov supporter? Did they not think it would spread to other places? How are these people in charge of anything?
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Did they never consider that they’d have supporters in the area? Is everyone in a place with a gov Le Meilleur Papy Mon Roi Pour Toujours Je Taime Papy Shirts supporter. Collateral damage. They don’t give a flying about their supporters. Which is why it’s so damn sad aggravating that the base is so loyal. You have to first have morals in order to bankrupt them. These people have absolutely no morals or ethics or conscience. They let spread because they delighted in it sickening and killing people who didn’t support them and because they thought they could make some political capital out of it. Disgusting doesn’t come close to describing them.
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