As for Leslie, I’m just working on good faith right now that he and Roche will both be appearing again. I like his deal, though. He’s a good kid. Reeks of FFXV design. Dude’s basically a white-haired Noctis. In fact, a lot of NPCs like him feel like successful fruits of what they tried doing with NPCs in XV (looking at you, Dave and Sania). Even if they’re not crazily memorable, I like them. That goes for Leslie, Betty, Jules, Madam M — all of ‘em. Cryptocurrencies and PayPal personal payments (friends & family) are as good as irreversible in nature; you can Awesome Dads Explore Dungeons And Slay Dragons Shirt not get your money back once it’s sent.
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PayPal purchase payments (goods & services) offer a certain degree of protection to Awesome Dads Explore Dungeons And Slay Dragons Shirt buyers for a nominal fee; you can dispute such payments if in case something goes wrong with the trade. Took the words right out of my mouth. I love this game, and I’m glad they gave us so much to do and see—especially when it comes to interactions between the characters. The blossoming friendship between Tifa and Aerith was one of the highlights of the story for me, and we only got to see as much of it as we did because of an added subplot in the Train Graveyard.
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As far as Roche goes, IIRC there was an interview snippet someone posted recently that said he wasn’t meant to factor into the plot much. I was a little disappointed to hear that, but part of me likes the idea of him just being some random guy who shows up every now Awesome Dads Explore Dungeons And Slay Dragons Shirt and then, gets horny over motorcycles, and challenges Cloud to duels just because.I kind of assumed he was meant to show us that they’ll be doing more characters like him: powerful enemies like mini-Sephiroth’s, all part of SOLDIER and all with quirky personalities that will be popping up throughout the remake to pursue Cloud and co.
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