This is a really great write-up!! Thanks for posting. Overall the quality isn’t “MLB” quality, but everything you said here makes the league really fun to watch. I like the small market of teams because that makes it easier to know most of the players and keep up with every team. Also, baseball culture here is a whole ride in itself. The focus on fan community and engagement is really great, and if you can make it out to a game, you can see a typical game very cheaply – less than Awesome AAA Straight Outta Quarantine AAA 2020 Shirt 15 USD for a seat in the cheering section or right up against 1st/3rd base.
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So, I know I’m a bit late to the party as we’re already 3 games into the season, but nonetheless, I wanted to let you know why (in my opinion) you should follow the KBO. Of course, the Awesome AAA Straight Outta Quarantine AAA 2020 Shirt short answer is that it’s because it’s on ESPN and that there’s nothing else going on. But, more importantly, you should also follow it because the KBO is really entertaining, and not just in a silly goofy way. Not that anyone asked, but I’m a Frenchman who started loving baseball almost 15 years ago. I first came to Korea 8 years ago as a student, watched my first KBO game there, and has loved it ever since. I’ve been living and working in Korea for the last 5 years, not so far away from Jamsil Baseball Stadium, the mecca for Korean baseball. I’m a Doosan Bears fan. Please do yourself a favor and become a Bears fan as well, or at the very least, don’t become a Twins fan.
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This is a really great write-up!! Thanks for posting. Overall the quality isn’t “MLB” quality, but everything you said here makes the league really fun to watch. I like the small market of teams because that makes it easier to know most of the players and keep up with every team.Also, baseball culture here is a whole ride in itself. The Awesome AAA Straight Outta Quarantine AAA 2020 Shirtfocus on fan community and engagement is really great, and if you can make it out to a game, you can see a typical game very cheaply – less than 15 USD for a seat in the cheering section or right up against 1st/3rd base.
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