You’re missing the point. He is up for an award for his human rights activism. I am not. Your Is Life Worth My Time Canlife Shirt shouldn’t be up for an award as long as he directly depends on essentially slave labor from the company paying him millions. Also, your math sucks. To make millions off corporations I’d need an income of at least 100,000k per year. As it is I make substantially less. So I can’t invest or make millions of companies. You missing MY point, it isn’t worthy of a human rights award, then almost every single human is not worthy of a human rights award. Your outrageous standards would need a christ to meet.
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Definitely not the standards to use against a sportsman receiving an award nobody cares about, maybe Your Is Life Worth My Time Canlife Shirts go talk to the Nobel peace prize about giving it to US presidents for genociding at least 2 cultures a year first. A bunch of people who own Nike apple any of the countless companies that benefit from human rights violations stuff, probably. Oh man, trump is going to lose his mind. What has Kaepernick done other than destroy his own career through whining and kneeling? Help kickstart a social revolution in the US?
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