I couldn’t imagine living in a country run by Wines My Broomstick Runs On Margarita Supernatural Halloween Shirt that assclown for a day let alone 4 years. From someone living in the said country who loves our brothers and sisters north (and south!) of the border…believe me, it’s a nightmare. Every single day. November 3rd can’t come soon enough, and even then, the events of the remainder of 2020 I anticipate with dread. Thank you for believing in us, still. Lincoln Project, Kasich, Powell all the Republicans who still have an ounce of decency left in them stepping up to do their part to defeat the greatest threat this country has faced in generations: 45. While most Republicans have submitted to evil, it’s inspiring as hell that many have not and are willing to speak up.
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If Mitt Romney or John McCain was Wines My Broomstick Runs On Margarita Supernatural Halloween Shirt President, he’d be doing the exact same shit as Trump, he just wouldn’t look rude or grotesque while doing it. Hell, he might have even succeeded in getting a war with Iran going. Never trust a Republican any Republican. They call themselves Republicans, they have submitted to evil. Justin is almost admirable. He quit the party. The rest of them are just enabling the dark money pools to require us to live by the Southern Strategy while they drown the United States of America in Grover Norquist’s bathtub.
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2 reviews for Wines My Broomstick Runs On Margarita Supernatural Halloween Shirt