I really resent this sentiment. Liberals aren’t racist against white people despite what the Top We Can Boo It Halloween Shirt alt-right wants people to believe. There’s nothing at all incongruent about a white guy being the standard-bearer for progressive politics as long as said white guy believes in progressive policies. Besides, weren’t black people the demographic that saved his candidacy? Clearly his being white didn’t bother them at all. Progressive: just enough to make sure that Medicare for All was not put on the DNC platform. We are getting campaign promises that sound fine and dandy, but those promises are very non-binding.
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Instead of looking at the record of the candidates, we see corporatism and a desire to return to the Top We Can Boo It Halloween Shirt system that we were struggling to advance away from. We need to demand more than scraps and token measures. We need a real progressive policy. This is a blatant lie. Biden’s platform is nowhere near progressive enough for progressive Dems and many of us have no intention of voting for Biden unless his platform shifts left. Personally, I plan to vote Green Party because their platform aligns with my values. I’m sick of selling out my beliefs just to try to stop the greater of two evils from coming to power.
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