The second she grabbed you and yanked you, you should have gone straight to the manager and get the police involved as she was technically assaulting you. I don’t get why people think it’s right to grab or pull people, even if they are employees or not. I think you handled it brilliantly. Sure you were grabbed, but getting the police involved only costs a lot of time and frustration for such a minor thing. Your way of handling it is truly great, almost like a judo move that exploited the Top Nah I’M The CNA Shirt pettiness and greed of angry mom! Love it. It’s interesting to read exchanges like this. You can see what’s happening inside their head.
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They go into the confrontation with a scenario in mind: I’m going to say this to the employee, then they’ll either cower before my righteous fury or I’ll get management to fire them. Then they start the confrontation and get an “I don’t work here.” They don’t actually process this response and make a rational decision on how to proceed. They just register the conversation has departed from their pre-planned scenario and try to Top Nah I’M The CNA Shirt get things back on track by rejecting your words and pressing onward. I suppose if you’re a bit slow you have to use shortcuts like that to try and keep up with a conversation.
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This was a great story, but for some reason, my favorite part of it seems to Top Nah I’M The CNA Shirt be your advance apology for any spelling or grammatical errors, and then consequently making a grammatical error in the same sentence. Edit, because in a cruel stroke of irony, I just misspelled the word “grammatical.” Fml. I smile at her and drive off to my date. Found out from the manager that after an hour of standing out there she finally came in and screamed at them for not turning the pump on. She even said I had promised to pay for her gas. When she was informed by the manager that I didn’t work there and I never paid to have that pump set.
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