As Voltaire said, “Go into the London stock exchange and you will see representatives of all nations gathered there for the service of mankind. There the Jew, the Mohammedan, and the Christian deal with each other as if they were of the same religion, and give the name of infidel only to those who go bankrupt.”Widespread equality before the law of contract might just be a consequence of commercial pragmatism. You can dig for deep ideological roots, but they are not necessarily causally connected to Top Made in 1970 50years of being awesome shirt that we observe in practice. (Eg Christianity probably is all in favor of good health, but modern wealth, nutrition, hygiene, and medicine are the cause of better modern health.)
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Sure but that’s based ultimately on labor as the source of personal value, and humans being equal in the sense of largely having comparable labor output. Which reveals a possible source of stress as well.Exactly. And in practice states that ran on something close to capitalism plus taxes outperformed the tyrants on the battlefield. (We never had complete capitalism. That’s why I write ‘close to’. A good Top Made in 1970 50years of being awesome shirt approximation gives you most of the benefits.)And merchant communities that follow these capitalists rules, are also more successful.
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My previous comment was perhaps too short: simplicity by itself is not the goal, but it often helps. My argument is that those pragmatic advantages are perhaps more causative than any ideology used to justify them.I’ve got to be honest… I’m unable to follow the thread of this post. I feel there are too many asides, not enough focus on the main point, I’ve gotten lost on straying paths that seemed clearer and more well-defined than the Top Made in 1970 50years of being awesome shirt one I was ultimately mean to follow… but that ultimately led to culs-de-sac, leaving me to backtrack and try to find the main path again.
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